My goal is to help you achieve your goals, and for many people their goal and dream is to achieve financial independence and get out of the grind of making a living. In 11 years with careful planning and strategic purchases I created $22,000+ per month in passive income on the side while working a full time job and having a young family. I am happy to help all people interested in real estate, but if this is also your goal, to get out of the grind and anxiety of working for others, then I am especially passionate about helping you.
I’ll show you how to make your money work for you, instead of you working for your money one paycheck at a time until you’re 70. Sure you can go at it alone or a combination of other ways:
- Read the 50+ books and listen to hundreds of hours of podcasts and youtube videos as I have for general knowledge on real estate, stocks, finance, and money as I have.
- Experience and learn from costly mistakes in 13+ years as I have, which set back your progress and delay reaching your goals. Early on my own I made bad purchases and placed bad tenants, which cost me $80,000+ in losses.
- Follow an eccentric youtuber or speaker that’ll sell you the dream of financial freedom from a high level with few boots on the ground details.
- Follow other high energy promoters like Grant Cardone that’ll motivate you into a multi millionaire or “billionaire” in a few short years. Motivation is great and he’s good at it, but hiring him and others similar for one on one coaching/advice is $40,000 for an hour.
- Ask your uncle or friends for their advice, most of which are still fully employed and have just a couple rental properties or maybe none at all. “Talk is cheap” and you’ll get a lot of different (unqualified) opinions. If you want to ask me how to ride a skateboard I’d be happy to advise you on that, although I’m no good at it.

Why I Offer Coaching
You might be thinking “Nick you’re already financially free, so why do you want to spend your time coaching me?” . Great question, and I can think of a few reasons:
- I have been in your shoes being employed and grinding anywhere from 40 – 60 hours per week on salary, working on something I wasn’t passionate about to make my employer a lot of money. It’s not a fun position to be in and I wanted out, and I want to help you get out of this grind also.
- I have felt the financial anxiety, lack of control, and low self worth that occurs when an employer terminates your position for rediculous reasons.
- I enjoying helping people and giving them hope and adding value to them.
- I had a real estate investing mentor and a business coach and know and appreciate the positive ROI and value they provide. The investment I made by hiring them was very worthwhile.
- I have more to give back and add to people than to just “retire early” and go play video games for the rest of my life.
- I can treat my family to some additional vacations and nice things if people find my services of value.
- Real estate investment coaching motivates me to hone my skills and stay mentally sharp.
What Makes Me Different?
As I mentioned you could hire somebody else as your coach. It wouldn’t be difficult to find somebody that’s better than me at writing, motivating, and especially speaking. Have you ever read a financial or real estate investing news article and then found at the bottom the author’s bio stating they’re a general journalist without any qualifications on what they’re writing about, or that the article was sponsored by somebody with an agenda? Heck these days the article was probably written by some AI bot! Just go look, it’s easy to find. I write my own articles on topics most relevant to what you need to know. I promise, no clickbait.
Because of the success many have found in real estate, there are a lot of scams and get rich quick schemes out there. While “wide is the gate that leads to destruction”, I’ll show you the path to success through the narrow gate.
Reasonable Pricing
The average spend on a real estate investment coach is $25,000! About half will publish rates online online and they are $250 – $600/per hour or $10,000-$16,000K flat fee. That’s not the case here; not even close. See the pricing page for real estate investment coaching and property management coaching.
Other Coaches:
- Won’t publish their rates and will instead bait you into an initial “strategy” (sales) call.
- You’ll see photos of them on stage giving motivational speeches to a crowd of people and selling the dream with little detail on execution.
- You’ll work with “their team” and not the coach directly.
- Will sell you a pre-defined coaching program where you watch videos; you talk with them little to not at all.
- Will provide 6 (or some other number) coaching sessions and then your relationship is over.
Ways I’m different than other coaches:
- I walk the walk. I achieved the goal most people desire, financial independence, and it came with a lot of work, training, and experience.
- I am an active real estate investor and property manager, which keeps me current on changing market conditions and real estate laws.
- I get straight to the point quickly and provide the guidance or answer you’re looking for in a short amount of time. I commonly save people thousands of dollars on a twenty minute phone call.
- Personally I’m a humble (bragging about my success on this website isn’t comfortable for me, but it’s needed to establish credibility), left brained, introvert that’s analytical and loves crunching numbers. Finances are about numbers, not creativity or emotions.
- I love getting into the details and explaining the “why” and “how” things work.
- If I don’t know the answer to something, my passion for financial independence and real estate drives me to seek and learn the answer for greater understanding.
- I will help you establish achievable and “stretch” goals on your journey, and will hold you accountable towards them.
- I respond quickly to your questions via phone, text, email, or in person meetings as I genuinely want to help you.
Coaching Process
The chart to the right comes from a National Library of Medicine article on the differences between a mentor, coach, advisor, and “coach with wisdom”. I am foremost an active real estate investor, part time property manager, and fully financially independent.
Based on the chart to the right and because of my experience, my approach will be a combination of advisor, coach with wisdom, and mentor, and least like that of a general “coach”. I love diving into details and arriving at answers quickly because afterall, time is money and we’re all busy. I will adapt my approach to what you’re looking for – education and understanding, done for you, short term or long term relationship, or just quick answers. We will establish your desired approach early on in the free discovery call.