Real Estate Investment Advisor

Financially free using real estate

As a real estate investment advisor, I coach my clients through their entire journey of having zero rental properties to getting out of the grind and being financially free and living off their rental properties.

Everybody’s situation is unique, which is why there there isn’t a prefabricated “class” or “e-course” offered, and which is what makes one on one coaching so effective. The challenges and focus areas change throughout your journey, and experienced coaching along the way will keep you on track.

Major topics areas of focus to help you reach your goals are:

  1. Making the right real estate investments for you.
  2. Personal finance and budgeting to keep you on track.
  3. Property management if doing yourself or hiring the right property manager.
  4. Financing and portfolio optimization.
  5. Becoming financially free and your new lifestyle. Note, it may not be what you think.

What To Expect

Real Estate Investment Advice Depending Where You Are In Your Journey

Personal Finance Advice Needed

0 Properties

You’re interested in making real estate investments because of the 4 ways real estate pays you and that it’ll provide recurring income for the rest of your life. Without any experience, you need guidance from a real estate investment advisor in “start up” areas to meet your goals:

  • Deciding if investing is real estate is right for you.
  • Personal finance advice to obtain enough cash for down payments.
  • Business structure and insurance.
  • Analyzing investment property (ROI calculations)
  • Financing your first rental property.
  • Building a team of professionals including coach/advisor (me), legal, bookkeeping, accounting, realtor, maintenance, etc.
Property Management Advice Needed

1 – 4 Properties

If performing self management, property management advice and coaching is a top priority.

Applicable topics above plus:

  • Self property management:
    • Creating an attractive rental property listing in the right places.
    • Creating a solid lease that protects you.
    • Tenant screening
    • Handling maintenance efficiently and affordably.
    • Move out inspections and deposit return.
    • Collecting rent and charging late fees.
  • Hiring a property management company
  • Finance and budgeting for capital expenditures.
  • Identifying best uses of your time.

5 – 10 Properties

Applicable topics above plus:

  • Advanced financing and using equity to purchase more property.
  • Finding new bank(s) to meet your needs.
  • Maintenance tracking and task management.
  • Streamlining book keeping
  • Increasing efficiency in communications.
  • Making good upgrade investments in your existing properties.
  • Property management
    • Dealing with difficult residents and evictions.
    • Regular inspections and mid lease damages.
twelve houses

11+ Properties

Time to re-assess how much income you need to become financially free.  We can more accurately determine how many properties you need to retire early or become financially free at this stage.

Applicable topics above plus:

  • Preparing to be financially free and living off your real estate investments.
  • Maximizing cashflow.
  • Maximizing tax deductions.
  • Property management
    • Hiring help to reduce your time being “in the business” so you can focus on growing your rapidly expanding portfolio.
financial freedom

Financial Freedom

You’ve made it to your goal and can live and flourish off the rental income! Now what?  Tip: it may not be what you expect.  As your early retirement advisor I’ll guide you through this transition. 

  1. Transitioning out of your career.
  2. What are the new top priorities in your life to spend your time on?
  3. Reshaping your lifestyle to fit your priorities.
  4. Finding new purpose and fulfillment to replace the old daily grind of earning a paycheck.
  5. Finding new people and friends to replace the former friends and acquaintances at work.

Are You Ready?