Why Hire A Real Estate Investment Advisor

Have you ever had a coach before? Most of us have for a high school sport, or maybe it was a teacher in middle, high school, or college that taught you the skills you use today. Was the coaching to a group or one on one coaching? If you’ve had both, which did you get more value from? How much of your time and money was at risk?  (Hint: there was less money at risk than real estate investing).

<Later I’ll link to article about why real estate here>

Because you’re here, you’ve already identified real estate investing as a possible vehicle to allow you to achieve your dream lifestyle. You may have considered or tried other methods like playing the lottery, gambling, stock market and day trading, or selling products to your friends for some mutli-level marketing company.  But now you’re considering owning investment real estate and are unsure if it’s right for you. You may be thinking:

  1. I don’t know where to start. There are so many options and I don’t want to make a mistake (fear of failure).
  2. Buying real estate is for people who are already rich and it costs too much money.
  3. I want a quick path to wealth and real estate will take too long (this might be true depending on your goals).
  4. I don’t want to deal with clogged toilets at 2am.
  5. The repairs and expenses of owning a home are too high and it’s a bad investment.
  6. All the other financial advice I read says to invest in a 401K or IRA so it must be best for me.
  7. Real estate is too risky because I saw what happened in the real estate crash of 2008 and are fearful it’ll happen again. A savings account feels more secure.

These thoughts are common and normal; I had these thoughts too before I purchased my first real estate investment property back in 2010. What got me through these barriers? I was blessed to have a real estate investment advisor that guided me through all of these concerns. I wouldn’t be where I’m at today without his real estate investing advice.

“Everyone needs a coach” – Bill Gates

OK, so why hire a real estate investment advisor? Let’s think back to the beginning of this article where you’ve had advisors and coaches previously in your life help show you the path to reach your goals and develop the skills you needed. Today you desire to make a change to live the life you want, and this is riskier from a time and money standpoint than before. Life is short and you don’t have time to make bad choices and lose money going at it alone.

Benefits of One-on-One Real Estate Investment Advice

coach on zoom
  1. Avoid costly mistakes. Mistakes on your first investment properties, and this is where most mistakes are made, will dissuade you from continuing your investments.
  2. Increased confidence with each decision.
  3. Keep the end goal in mind and will have a clear path to get there.
  4. Get help through the challenges you’ll face throughout the journey.
  5. Accountability (for your benefit)
  6. Get expert advice on your specific situations
  7. The advisor will get to know you personally and will guide you on a plan that’s right for you (Real estate is not one size fits all, and there are many ways to do it).
  8. Feel more confident and less stressed as you navigate new situations with a real estate investment advisor in your corner.

Why Hire Me As Your Real Estate Investment Advisor?

Over my 11 year journey from being in debt and negative wealth to multi millions in real estate and becoming financially free at 40, I made many good decisions and mistakes as well. I read over 30 real estate investment books and listened to hundreds of hours of podcasts and videos from others during this time. Yes you can do this too for general knowledge as much as you have time for, but there is so much more I’ve learned from real world experience that isn’t printed in books that you’ll benefit from. Having 55 rental units, I’ve purchased dozens of properties and rented them to hundreds of families that met my leasing criteria. Your benefit to hiring me is all this knowledge and experience on day one to get you on the fast track to reaching your real estate investing and financial freedom goals. I love crunching numbers, am analytical, and am a good communicator. I can help you in all areas of your journey, and just to name a few:

  1. Selecting your first property
  2. Financing your real estate
  3. Personal budgeting to save for down payments
  4. Leasing and placing residents in your homes
  5. Property management
  6. Dealing with tough issues – there are so many unique situations that come up
  7. Refinancing your real estate to grow your portfolio or increase cashflow
  8. How to turn your wealth and equity into cashflow you can live on
Nick in office

Free Discovery Call

If you made it this far we should have a conversation. While I do believe it’s the surest way to wealth over time, real estate isn’t for everybody and what I’ll advise is not a get rich quick scheme.  My journey and results are very achievable and required education, energy, time, money, and sacrifice. I did this all on the side while working a full-time job and doing a side hussle, which is something you can do too. Let’s chat with a free discovery call to see if real estate is right for you and how I can add value to your journey.